Sunday, March 4, 2012

Inclusive Design Related to Vision Impairment

For the Northern Pacific Railroad Depot in Pullman, we were asked in teams to do some contextual research on the railroad and Pullman history, design styles prevalent at the time, designers of the time, adaptive reuse, the history of the Northern Pacific Railroad depot itself, and art galleries. I chose to to focus on inclusive design that relates to vision impairment. I researched a residential case study that is of a foundation in Wisconsin that has basically a show case house that allows designers and architects to further their knowledge on accessibility issue and ways to accomplish their goals to reach full-accessible designs. I also had to research strategies for the vision-impaired and find an art exhibit that displayed some of these needs. When doing the visual workshop recently described on my blog, many of these strategies are put into play to help those with certain disabilities. I learned a lot while doing this project, and will definitely consider many of these new findings to develop my depot design.

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