Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carrie Vielle's Studio

Our present project involves designing a small apartment, art gallery, retail area, and an artist studio for a regional artist of our choice. What better way to understand the functions of a great artist that visit one of our own professors studios. Carrie Vielle gave us many pointers on the do's and don't for any artist. Even though all artists creative process may be different, there are some things that they prefer that are in common. Such as the amount of space. Many artists are not necessarily clean, but many are cluttered with their work because they need so much surface or floor space to finish all of the different stages of their pieces. As for Carrie, she could not emphasize enough how much space was essential. Not only space, but storage for all of her materials, books, knick-knacks, her artwork, etc. Some other pointers that Carrie shared with us was that lighting is extremely important for most artists. Blinds on all windows are usually needed, and task lighting is very important. Also, know if the chosen artist separates their studio completely from their other living space; do they need a refrigerator, microwave, etc. This studio visit helped me visualize some of the specific questions I need to talk to my artist about in order to design a perfect studio for them.

These are some photos of Carrie's studio and also her AWESOME Alpaca's and Llamas! :)

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