Monday, April 11, 2011


When I first received this assignment I was thrilled to be able to design my own logo that is my own creation. It took me awhile to figure out what exactly I wanted to make the logo look like that would in some way represent who I am. I decided to go with a more simple look, even though that's not the style I usually choose. For a couple years now I have started to draw hearts on almost every project or paper I have used. Everyday I seem to draw a heart on my hand also. I know that somehow in my designs I will always want to incorporate a heart, which is why that is a big part of my logo. I had fun learning how to use Illustrator and the Wacom tablets. It became easier the more comfortable I became using it and the techniques were fun. This project is one of my favorites because it shows a lot about a person and represents who they are.

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