Grasping Your Heritage
My Idea Generator came from remembering when my great uncle used to send post cards from Germany during my childhood. The stamps were the part that intrigued me the most, which helped choose textiles that represented each heritage in a different way (German, Irish and Swedish). My background (stamps), reveals the importance of each image on the stamp. The clover expresses to live at ease and with peace, and the lines on the design exhibit a sense of profoundness which are determined by the German pine flag. Each element of the space reflect on a piece of the heritage. Incorporated throughout the design shows the unity of texture and colors that are expressed in the full image.
Beginning to process of my heritage textile began with an phone conversation with my dad. He gave me all the info about my family heritage that I had no idea about, and I was greatly intrigued. Having a little bit of German, Irish, Swedish, and English in me is fascinating. Also all the stories I was told about how my family has traveled from place to place. I think my textile flows well together with the lined images being part of the German flag that is beneficial to the repetition. I decided to use the image of a clover because that is the main image that comes to mind when I think of Ireland. My background also plays a big role in my German heritage, which relates to how I was always intrigued by stamps that I used to receive from there. If I was to do this project again, I would most likely change the clover image and choose an image that goes more in depth about Irish heritage. Overall, I enjoyed doing this project. I take great value in what I have learned about my heritage and am proud of who I am.
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