This is one of my boards showing my final seat and shelter drawn from a perspective view, and also photos of my seat and shelter during at 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 4:00 pm.

This board show my seat and shelters plan, section, south elevation, and north elevation. The materials for this project were fun to pick out.
This is my final digital poster that has my final abstract model and final seat and shelter model on it. Philippe Starck, my inspiration, is also acknowledged on this poster, along with my concept statement.

This is my final seat and shelter mode.
This is my found object and inspiration,
This project was definitely time consuming and took a lot of hard work and dedication, but overall it was a good experience and I would enjoy doing it again. The beginning process makes you think in a very abstract way that I'm not used to or familiar with, but it was fun to learn how to. There would be some things that I would change, but I'm happy with my final seat and shelter. The biggest challenge for this project was creating the 3D abstract models. I now know that sketching is extremely important when coming up with ideas to create a model. During this process I have learned how my mind interprets different aspects of an object.