Thursday, July 28, 2011


This is one of my boards showing my final seat and shelter drawn from a perspective view, and also photos of my seat and shelter during at 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 4:00 pm.
This board show my seat and shelters plan, section,  south elevation, and north elevation. The materials for this project were fun to pick out.
This is my final digital poster that has my final abstract model and final seat and shelter model on it.  Philippe Starck, my inspiration, is also acknowledged on this poster, along with my concept statement.
This is my final seat and shelter mode. 
This is my found object and inspiration,

This project was definitely time consuming and took a lot of hard work and dedication, but overall it was a good experience and I would enjoy doing it again. The beginning process makes you think in a very abstract way that I'm not used to or familiar with, but it was fun to learn how to. There would be some things that I would change, but I'm happy with my final seat and shelter. The biggest challenge for this project was creating the 3D abstract models. I now know that sketching is extremely important when coming up with ideas to create a model. During this process I have learned how my mind interprets different aspects of an object.

Perspective of Chair Sketch

Drawing this chair in perspective was not as challenging as I thought it was going to be, and I know how to interpret the way the chair is sitting and how the way I'm looking at it affects the drawing.

Negative Space Sketch

Drawing structures in negative space has gotten easier for me and it's actually fun and interesting to do. You learn about the surrounding space and how it effects the area.

Exterior Sketch

This sketch was a little bit difficult for me because I am not the best at drawing from a perspective view, but I am getting better at it. This exterior sketch was definitely good practice for me.

Key Sketch

This key sketch was the first sketch during this summer class. Since I have already done some of these sketches before, most of them turned out better than the older ones. Especially this key sketch, which ended up being fun and I learned how to create an object the exact same as it is.

Philippe Starck Poster

Philippe Starck was my chosen Designer and Architect who inspires me. His work is amazing and the reasoning behind his creations is impressing and unique. Learning about his work really enhanced my design skills and enhanced my ability to think out of the box.

Elements & Principles of Design

Learning about the Elements and Principles of Design was very handy. I now know how to look at a space and know how to relate the structure to the elements and principles of design. This poster was inspired from the Ancient Roman time period.

Modern Furniture Poster

This poster was created by Brecken and I, based on the objective of finding modern furniture and incorporated the dimensions of the furniture in the poster. This was an interesting poster to finish because it is difficult to find furniture on the internet that tells you the dimensions of it.

Textile Pattern

This is my 10x10 pattern turned into a 30x30 pattern. All of the elements in this designed were chosen from the Ancient Roman time. The background is made of Roman brick work that was often used during that time period. The vertical coins are Roman coins, and the other circular vertical images are Roman marble tables. This project enhanced my ability to create posters in InDesign, which is always fun and interesting. 

Concept Statement

My idea generator was inspired by the use of the elements and principles of design used within the architecture and design of the creations during the Ancient Roman period. The Romans incorporated many columns in their designs and that explains the use of the roman coins on the side in vertical lines in the textile pattern. The background is put together by the repetition of bricks, which the use of Ostia rocks in ancient Rome is common. The use of the Roman table in the center of the pattern is significant because the Romans often used this type of pattern in their architecture. The main emphasis is on the marble table because it pops out and grabs your attention.

Geometric Pattern

My Geometric Pattern was inspired by the triad color scheme with the dominate colors: pink green and yellow. Photoshop is an amazing way to learn how to distort pictures and turn them into looking like something completely different. This project made me think about how to put the colors together and also learn how to use to tools in Photoshop. .